Sarcopenia is a disease that arises as one ages. It is involved with mass loss in the muscles.. this leads to imbalance leading to gait problems. It will generally affect the activity of the whole body. This happens due to changes in the body. Hormonal production changes and the amount produces changes as one ages. The proteins in the body also change and the requirements of the protein in the body also changes. The motor neurons in the body become affected by the aging process and die. Generally the person becomes sedentary. It can be as a result of one not having exercise and just staying lazy. This will lead to the muscles weakening. View here more details about how to Deal with Sarcopenia.
The symptoms of this disease will generally cause the general weakness of the body. One of the symptoms is the general loss in the balance of the body. The gait of the body is losed and one cannot support their body stability. Another symptom is the Inability to work out and the daily activities like walking up the stairs and carrying of items will be difficult. It can also lead to loss of activity as the muscle mass gets lost. It is causes by the reduced exercise, reduction of some body hormones like the reproductive hormones like testosterone and estrogen. It can also be caused by sedentary living so everyone has to take gentle care.
Sarcopenia will be highly prevented by having regular exercises. This is resistant training. It helps to maintain several processes in the body like hormone and protein system normal. The digestion process will be improved. It will also help in keeping a healthy weight. The hormone levels in the body will be kept at their normal levels. One should also ensure that they consider their nutrition and the proteins. Ensure that you obtain protein from all your meals like breakfast, lunch, dinner and, supper.
You should learn about the important sources of proteins to ensure you get them effectively in your diet. The food should contain leucine which will ensure faster digestion and incorporation of proteins in your body. Milk, fish, beef and beans are some of the sources of protein foods with leucine. Ensure that you visit exercise your lower limbs very effectively for example by doing squats and heel to toe walk.
Apart from these healthy practices, sarcopenia can also be treated by use of medications. Some drugs are being sought that can treat sarcopenia. One of these is the Hormone replacement therapy done on women. Testosterone and other hormone supplements will also be effective. In the treatment of sarcopenia, strength training is the best way.
Find out more about Exercise here: